Isagenix Cleanse Days – What Are They?

A key aspect of a successful Isagenix lifestyle is completing Isagenix Cleanse Days on a regular basis. With time, the body accumulates chemicals and toxins that can cause weight gain and fatigue. Although the body has natural mechanisms that remove these toxins, a portion of them cannot be removed without specific cleansing. Isagenix Cleanse Days are designed to help flush the body of unwanted chemicals in order to invigorate and refresh the system. As opposed to laxatives, Cleanse Days are created to replace the toxins with minerals, vitamins, and key nutrients. This helps promote a healthier, livelier, better you.

We’ve put together this guide so you can learn what an Isagenix Cleanse involves, including tips and instructions for getting the most out of your Cleanse Days.


What Exactly Does a Cleanse Day Involve?

cleanse for lifeIsagenix Cleanse Days are intended to help assist the body in releasing body fat and toxins. Over the 30 day Isagenix weight loss program, users typically complete one Isagenix Cleanse each week. To further boost results, some users add an additional Cleanse Day each week to their program.

On Cleanse Days, the plan is simple: drink four servings of Cleanse for Life (one serving at breakfast, one late in the morning, one later in the afternoon, and one at dinner). To support energy levels and maintain your blood sugar, Isagenix Snacks or a small portion of fruit can be included in the cleanse.

Committing to an entire day of Isagenix Cleansing helps rid the body of unwanted chemicals and reset your internal systems. Upon completing an Isagenix Cleanse Day, you can expect to feel a boost in energy and enjoy enhanced results from your diet and workouts.


Is a Cleanse Actually Necessary?

The choice to complete a cleanse is entirely up to the individual. Many people spend their entire lives with excess toxins in their body. The consequence of these toxins is probably worse than you realise.

A few of the negative effects that can result from a build up of toxins in the body include:

  • Weakened immune system and higher likelihood of catching viruses and colds
  • Fatigue, decreased stamina, and longer recovery times after workouts
  • Mental fog, including trouble focusing, trouble sleeping, and increased stress
  • Weight gain due to toxins trapped in your digestive system and fat cells that inhibit the fat burning process

Fortunately, cleansing can combat all of these negative effects. Cleansing helps encourage weight loss, lower stress, and increase energy levels. Some Isagenix customers report feeling a significant difference after only one cleanse! Regular cleanses help lead to a better quality of life, increased mental clarity, and a boost in energy.


How Do You Complete an Isagenix Cleanse Day?

Isagenix has published an easy-to-follow guide to help their customers through the process.

Isagenix Cleanse Day Planner

The frequency of the cleanses depends on an individual’s goals. For example, individuals hoping to lose weight as quickly as possible may want to consider cleansing twice a week.

Shake Days

A 30 Day Isagenix Cleanse schedule involves 24 to 26 Shake Days and between 4 to 6 Cleanse Days. Shake Days consist of two shakes a day, plus one healthy meal of your choosing, plus snacks and vitamins in between meals.

A Shake Day consists of the following:

Shake Days


Tips for Isagenix Cleanse Days

To optimise your results and cleanse safely, consider following these tips:

  1. Limit your exercise on Cleanse Days – During Cleanse Days, your primary focus should be letting the Isagenix Cleanse do its job. Too long of a workout may leave you feeling lightheaded since you may not have consumed enough food to support a strenuous workout. Consider saving your cardio routine for Shake Days!
  2. Listen to your body – It is important to eat or drink something immediately if you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or ill at any time during an Isagenix Cleanse Day. Although Isagenix Cleanses meet safety standards for public use, they can be challenging for first-time participants. It is important to trust your body and be aware if you are placing too much strain on your system.
  3. Use the Cleanse Day planner provided by Isagenix – To stay on track on your Cleanse Days, follow the Cleanse Day planners from Isagenix.
  4. Track your weight loss and measurements – If you are in need of a motivation boost, enlist a friend to follow the program with you. Extra support can help make the program easier and more enjoyable.
  5. Fill your refrigerator with healthy foods – If needed, throw away any soft drinks or junk food to prevent temptation. At the start of the week, prepare a list of meals for both Shake Days and Cleanse Days. If you need to grocery shop, be sure to eat before you go so you aren’t tempted to stray from your grocery list.
  6. Stay busy – It is often recommended to complete your Cleanse Day while doing household chores or working. Attempting to complete a cleanse on a lazy Saturday or Sunday can lead to frequent thoughts of food.
  7. Take advantage of the snacks that are available – A lot of people wonder what they can eat on Isagenix Cleanse Days or if Cleanse Days involve any food. Be sure to take advantage of the Isagenix snacks options that are available! For instance, if you need an energy boost in the afternoon, the Isagenix EShot can be the perfect solution.
  8. Drink plenty of water – 3 to 5 L of water during a Cleanse Day is the recommended amount. This is important for reaping the full benefits of the cleanse and preventing dehydration.


For more tips and information:

  1. How to Get Started
  2. 9 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Cleanse Day
  3. Download the Isagenix Weight Loss Program Guide
  4. Contact our local NZ consultant (Sara) at










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